Las Vegas Data Backup and Recovery
In the field of Information Technology, backup refers to the copying of data so that it may be restored after a data loss event. Backups are useful primarily for two purposes: to restore a computer to an operational state following a disaster (called Disaster Recovery) and to restore small numbers of files after they have been accidentally deleted or corrupted. Since Backup Systems contain at least one copy of all data worth saving, the data storage requirements are considerable. Organizing this storage space and managing the backup process can become a complicated undertaking. manages your enterprise Backup and Recovery process as a fully automated service from its Network Operations Center (NOC) in Las Vegas, Nevada. With Backup and Recovery, you save time and money while having ensuring your data is secure in the event of catastrophe. No worries about servers, software, off-site storage, security, or manpower.
Backup and Recovery Service Features:
- Continuous backup of your data is performed automatically and then encrypted, transmitted and stored in the secure Network Facility.
- Data backup and encryption are performed simultaneously before and during storage. Decryption can only occur at the backup site upon recovery.
- Off-Site backup can be performed from any location with an Internet connection.
- Disaster Recovery Processes are monitored around-the-clock by Network Operations Specialists in Las Vegas.
Disaster Recovery is a cost effective Backup and Recovery Solution supplies the following to save businesses money:
- Processing power- Data sources are continually monitored for new data and continuous backup is controlled by automated control
- Software- Backup and Recovery software is already owned and licensed for use by
- Hardware- Eliminates the need for tapes, drives, libraries and associated maintenance
- Storage- Safeguards data on redundant hardware and under optimal environmental conditions
- Security - Network Operations Center is housed inside a fire-proof bank vault with 4-ft steel walls, climate control and 24/7 support staff
- Manpower- Frees businesses from staffing requirements involved with Disaster Recovery